Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Today, I have thought about all the amazing things in my life.

I am thankful to have family that is always there for me. I know I can always count on them. My siblings mean the world to me. I miss them so much, but I just love when I get random calls or texts from them. I love my niece and my nephews. They can always brighten up my day.

I am thankful to be an Aggie. I love my school so much. All the people there make me feel so welcome. I have made a lot of new friends and friendships that I know I will cherish forever. I receive so much support from the staff and they make me feel at home.

I am thankful to live in a country where I can express my opinion. We sometimes take everything for granted. I love my country and am thankful for all the people who have made freedom possible.

I am thankful for technology. Without it, there would be no Pinterest, Netflix, Skype, or Instagram. Skype has been my lifesaver since I have been away from home. I am thankful that even though my family may be miles away, they are always a phone call away.

I am thankful for God. He helps me everyday and also gives me obstacles because He knows I can handle them. Everyday I grow as a person. I slowly am learning who I am. Without His guidance, I would be lost. I am not an extremely religious person, but I am trying to become more involved in my church.

Last, but certainly not least, I am thankful for my friends. They help keep me sane. I am so thankful for my friends from high school and those that I am making in college. It is nice to know there are people out there who care and are always there for you. I am thankful to have friends that would hang out with me when I am feeling lonely and are there just to listen to my problems or whatever is bugging me.

I am thankful for all these amazing people and things not just today, but everyday. Crazy how these blessings have made me who I am.

-Evelyn M. Hernandez

Monday, November 12, 2012


Sometimes I just wanna go home.
I miss my family.
I miss home cooked meals.
I hate being alone.

At times I just wanna give up.
But then I remember why I'm here.
To get an education.
To be an example.
To follow my dreams.
To find out who I am.

It is all part of growing up.
I may not always like it,
But I know it's for the best.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Two Years

It's crazy how God gives us people in our lives, but can easily take them away. Sometimes we take things for granted. I know I have. Today, it has been two years since my Uncle David passed away. I have learned not to take things for granted and cherish every moment spent with those I love.I think of him a lot. He was the one I could tell anything to and he would joke around with me about the dumb things I would say or do. God took him all of a sudden with no warning. It all came unexpected. I always think of how different things would be if he was still here. If I got to see him again, what I would tell him. I know he is in a better place now and watching over me, but that does not make his loss any easier. Miss you very much, David.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Fall Break- Boise!!

Grandma and I at Table Rock
This weekend I had the opportunity to go to Boise and visit my family. It was interesting ride there.First off, my grandma is one of those people that easily freaks out with people driving. Let's just say I am not that experience with driving. The whole week I was nervous that I would give my grandma a heart attack for something. I was also nervous because I had never driven such a long distance. But it all went will and we got there safe. I LOVED spending time with the people I love. I enjoyed every minute of it. It was sad to say goodbye to them. I got emotional, but I was glad that I had the opportunity to go. On the way back, I was so nervous because I had to drive in the rain for the first time ever. Thankfully, though, I made it back safe. Overall, Fall Break was AMAZING!!
-Evelyn M. Hernandez

The view of Boise from Table Rock

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


First month of college has passed and can I just say I LOVE COLLEGE!!! I am having the time of my life. I am enjoying meeting new people and making new friends. They say some of your best friends are those from college. I am starting to believe it. These past couple of days have been crazy. Studying for exams is definitely a difficult task. Everything seems to distract me. But I gotta say, it is all worth it in the end. I am learning not only school stuff, but also life lessons. I have learned that I am a pro at losing things, but I will get better at it.

This week is homecoming week. Yesterday, I helped LSU paint the sidewalk. Can I just say are drawing turned AMAZING!! :) I also went to the Chalk Dance which was SO MUCH FUN aside from getting chalk in my eye. Either way, I enjoyed every minute of it. I love my friends and the times we have together. Bring on the rest of the week!!
Friends LSU September 24, 2012

Sunday, August 19, 2012

College Life!!- New Journey

SO... Yesterday I finally moved in to Logan to start school. So far I am still adjusting but it is crazy to finally be here. It's what I have been dreaming of for so long and it is finally here!!! I do miss my family, but I know I am here to get a good education and make them proud. So ready for this new journey in my life and I hope it comes with many blessings. GO UTAH STATE AGGIES!!!

Monday, June 18, 2012


So as you all know, yesterday was Father's Day. There are two people that I consider my dad. 1. Obviously my amazing dad. 2. David ( my uncle). Both of these people are far away from me. My dad lives in boise and my uncle is now in heaven. While I bought my dad his gift, it got  me thinking that gifts are just items. My dad and David mean so much more to me. They have taught me many things and continue to make me a better person everyday. I think that we are given people from our Heavenly Father to make us better people, teach us whats right and wrong. Sometimes we don't value the people in our life. We think they will never leave and when they do, there is so much we wish we would have told them. Each person in our lives means something to us. I am thankful for all the amazing people in my life and value and everyone of them.